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Public Safety Fort Leavenworth, KS

Fort Leavenworth Regional Correctional Facility

This correctional facility for the Corps of Engineers consists of seven buildings with the ability to deliver optimum energy and operational efficiency.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | U.S. Department of Justice


JE Dunn Construction


223,650 sq ft

Each building is heated and cooled by a geothermal source heat pump system, which was selected based on its ability to produce a highly energy-efficient building. The housing areas utilize 100%-outside-air heat recovery units, which condition the air through a water-source heat pump. The design-assist team used a collaborative approach to define scopes of work and hard pricing at the proposal stage of the project during the design.

  • preconstruction
  • integrated Internet-based automation system
  • geothermal heating and cooling
  • HVAC piping
  • fuel systems
  • preconstruction
  • sheet metal
  • plumbing
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