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Public Safety Denver, CO

Van Cise – Simonet Detention Center

The Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center is the intake facility for the City and County of Denver and consists of 1,500 beds, providing multi-custody detention for pre-sentenced individuals.


The City and County of Denver


Hensel Phelps Construction


461,000 sq ft

The facility contains housing units that are divided into general population, special management and medical areas with food service, laundry and support functions. As the mechanical contractor, U.S. Engineering installed energy-efficient systems, which ultimately led to a LEED® Silver certification for the project.

  • preconstruction
  • Xcel district supplied steam & chilled water to heat exchangers
  • 9 air handling units
  • mechanical room that provides heating water, domestic hot water and chilled water for multiple buildings
  • medical gas
  • outside air systems
  • piping
  • plumbing
  • sheet metal
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