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U.S. Engineering Receives 2021 Brick-by-Brick Award from Kansas City Industrial Council

Nov 04, 2021

U.S. Engineering

U.S. Engineering won the Kansas City Industrial Council’s (KCIC) Brick-by-Brick award for the second-floor remodel at the Roanoke building. Chief Administrative Officer Brandon Wikoff accepted the award at the KCIC’s award ceremony in September.

U.S. Engineering Real Estate Holdings, LLC, elected to remodel a significant portion of its headquarters facility, which houses the U.S. Engineering family of companies: U.S. Engineering Company Holdings, U.S. Engineering Construction, U.S. Engineering Service and U.S. Engineering Innovations. The project included a 100% demo and replacement of decades-old finishes and an interior modernization with a built environment focused on useable wellness spaces for our team members. The remodel also included an improved sustainable 90kW solar energy panel array, irrigation-free landscaping and an overall revitalization of the building façade, which maintains the key historical aesthetic to harmonize with many other neighborhood structures.

The KCIC recognizes companies that make notable economic contributions within Kansas City industrial areas. Nine companies were recognized in 2020/2021 for expansion, job creation, improved infrastructure, relocation, or capital improvement. We’re proud to accept the Brick-by-Brick award from the KCIC. We’re even prouder of all the U.S. Engineering team members who have brought to life the KC headquarters remodel and work in this new space every day. We couldn’t do this amazing work without you!

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