NEWS & INSIGHTS > Our Community > U.S. Engineering teams and partners assisted in a home remodel for a family with eight special needs children
Sep 16, 2021
Todd VonLintel led a U.S. Engineering team that joined forces with the Rocky Mountain MCA, Rocky Mountain Biohazard and other volunteers in the area to help a family in need. In July 2020, the Gines family was forced to leave their home and take up residence in a hotel because their home was declared unsafe for children. This month, thanks to volunteers, resources, and monetary donations, the Gines family is returning to a safe, newly remodeled home.
The Denver Channel recognized VonLintel in a post about the family. U.S. Engineering was the largest contributor to helping remodel the family’s home, with an estimated donation of $100,000 in manpower and supplies.
“It is worth it to keep this family together. That’s why it is 100% worth it — seeing this today,” VonLintel, U.S. Engineering Construction’s Rocky Mountain Region VP of Operations, told the Denver Channel.
The Gines family hopes to provide the best possible care for their children with special needs. With the help of the community and organizations like U.S. Engineering, the family is now able to better make that hope a reality.
If you would like to read more about the project or contribute to the family’s Amazon wish list, visit the full article on the Denver Channel’s website.
*photo credit: screenshot from The Denver Channel