NEWS & INSIGHTS > Our Community > Annabelle’s Children’s Hospital Stand: How One Child Is Leaving a Legacy
Aug 06, 2021
While many of us at U.S. Engineering are familiar with Children’s Hospital Colorado because of our work there, unfortunately Annebelle Rusco’s familiarity with the facility comes from her time as a patient. Annabelle is the daughter of Steve Rusco, a detailer in our Westminster, Colo., office. And what’s remarkable about her story is not only the struggles she’s endured but the generous spirit she has shown in the face of those hardships.
Annabelle’s compassion motivated her to take action to help other children in similar situations, and over the last few years, she has raised more than $32,000 for the hospital. This is Annabelle’s remarkable story as told at
Annabelle is a frequent patient of Children’s Hospital Colorado. Her story began 4 years ago (2018) after the first of many of her surgeries at Children’s Hospital Colorado. During that stay and after seeing so many struggling kids, most of which were much worse off than her. She asked if she could do something to help. She did some brainstorming and came up with a plan.
Her idea was simple, she wanted to do a craft stand so she could earn money to donate to the hospital to help other kids in need. She named it “Annabelle’s Children’s Hospital Stand” and with her own money she bought some supplies and started putting together small handmade items that she thought would sell. She made bracelets, sugar scrubs, and raffle baskets for her first stand, it was a success!
together with her own money and she is now able to include items from local businesses, Colorado sports team items, and even sells a lunch combo for hungry visitors.
She has continued this each year since, it has grown to be a huge success.
This year Annabelle delivered a check for $14,647 to Children’s Hospital Colorado. All of her proceeds go to the areas of the hospital that need it most. She has helped with general medical needs, cancer research and, this past year, Covid relief.
If you’re interested in contributing: DONATE (
U.S. Engineering made a donation this year, and Annabelle wrote us this wonderful thank you note. Thank you, Annabelle, for inspiring us and for working hard to make a positive impact on those in your community who need help.