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Seiler Family Community Garden: a “Do Good” Challenge

Oct 22, 2020

U.S. Engineering

Editor’s note: Last spring Josh Seiler, General Manager for U.S. Engineering Service’s Rocky Mountain Region, created the Do Good Challenge, a call out to all team members in U.S. Engineering companies to try to do some good in their communities, even during a difficult time. He kicked it off by sharing on our intranet a photo of his daughters shoveling snow off an elderly neighbor’s driveway. U.S. Engineering team members responded by sharing their own stories and photos of kind acts.

Josh’s Challenge presented an opportunity for our teams to live and celebrate our Core Values. As CEO Tyler Nottberg posited, “When this is all said and done, the question we will all be asking ourselves is about what we did during this crisis – what legacy did we leave?”

Since then, Josh’s family has taken the Challenge to the next level. Read his story below.

Over the past few months, led by my wife, Audra, my family organized a 2,100 square-foot community garden. We delivered all of the produce we grew to families in need, and we donated the overflow to local shelters and food banks.

Purpose Church provided us with the land and water, and we financed the rest of the operation with donations and our own contributions. We started in March by planting and cultivating seeds at home. Then we really kicked off the project on April 30 when we started tilling the land.

These photos document some of our experience. On a desktop, hover for a description and click to enlarge. On mobile, tap to view descriptions.

Josh Seiler, General Manager

To deliver the produce, we designed and purchased reusable grocery bags, handing out and delivering them on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week as the harvest allowed.

The delivered-bag count at the time this article was written was over 200, each bag containing any number of the 21 types of produce grown in the garden. Anything that didn’t make it into a bag that week was donated to OUR Center in Longmont, Colorado, a local organization that provides food to those in need. They received around 200 lbs of fresh produce over the course of the summer/fall gardening season.

My family volunteered roughly 850 hours on this project, closing the garden completely down on October 10 with the help of multiple volunteers. We plan to continue our garden project every year moving forward, God willing.

Thanks, Josh, for contributing to your community, and for practicing our Cultural Norms of Selflessness + Humility. We’re proud you’re on the team!

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