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Megan Galloway on “Empowering Extraordinary Managers”

Feb 21, 2020

U.S. Engineering

U.S. Engineering Company Holdings’s Talent Development Manager Megan Galloway recently contributed an article on manager training to the Association of Talent Development. In “Empowering Extraordinary Managers,” Galloway explores reasons for and actions against cultural silos that often develop in organizations large and small.

Galloway argues that manager training and promoting a consistent leadership brand can lead to a more even—and better—employee experience across an organization, improving the culture. According to Galloway, if managers convey a strong leadership brand, employees will have a clearer perception of the organization’s intentions as opposed to a collection of varying individual belief systems and styles.

How does a company create a consistent leadership brand? Galloway suggests starting with a common language: “Like a branding guide, a leadership language tells what leadership behaviors and values are expected so that internal interactions are consistent with a company’s leadership brand.” When a common language is established, managers can more effectively share cultural expectations, ultimately leading to a more consistent employee experiences.

Read the entire article on ATD’s website.

Megan Galloway, Talent Development Manager, U.S. Engineering Company Holdings
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