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125th Legacy Coffee Blend Benefits Ronald McDonald House

Aug 28, 2018

U.S. Engineering

Established in 1893, U.S. Engineering has been in business for 125 years in large part because of the relationships we’ve built in the communities we serve. Many relationships begin over a cup of coffee, which is why we decided to create the U.S. Engineering Legacy Blend with The Roasterie. It’s a celebration of our past as well as a symbol of the legacy we will leave in our community going forward.

The Roasterie calls our coffee a “cause blend” because in addition to providing world-class coffee to customers, The Roasterie will give a portion of the proceeds from our Legacy Blend sales to a charitable organization of our choice. Today, we support our community by choosing the Ronald McDonald House to benefit from the sale of our coffee. The Ronald McDonald House is an organization that keeps sick children close to their families and the care they need.

Please help us celebrate our 125th Anniversary and support the local Ronald McDonald House. You can buy our U.S. Engineering Legacy Blend here.

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U.S. Engineering Legacy Blend Coffee celebrates 125 Yeas as a mechanical contractor

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