NEWS & INSIGHTS > News > U.S. Engineering Plumbers & Pipefitters Featured in the United Association Journal
Jun 19, 2018
This month’s issue of The United Association Journal features two articles highlighting the great work our U.S. Engineering field team is doing in Wyoming. In the feature story, “Fabrication Helps Create New Markets, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192, Cheyenne, WY,” Brian Almquist, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 Business Manager explains the “boom in commercial and residential construction” in Wyoming. In order to survive, Almquist explains how capitalizing on his long-standing relationship with U.S. Engineering has led to successfully tackling a vast territory with such a small local union.
The article praises U.S. Engineering’s fabrication facilities and talent. “There is a lot of talent at the U.S. Engineering fabrication and design facilities and that talent is made up of UA members who perform state-of-the-art design functions and fabrication expertise.”
The second feature story highlights the significance of the Local 192 members and U.S. Engineering team members working together on the Wyoming Capital Square Project. The article complimented the work done by our prefabrication shop located in Johnstown, CO. Ninety percent of the pipe required for the project was prefabricated and shipped in on racks, ready for placement.
Mike Swallow, Local 192 member and superintendent on the jobsite, explains what he saw: “The day they dropped in a 4,000-gallon domestic water tank it was freezing rain. They dropped that tank down a hole not much larger than the tank’s dimensions. The flying-in was flawless.” This seamless process is something U.S. Engineering aims for on every project.
In the “Up Close” section of this article, The United Association Journal profiles Coley Maurer, a third-year U.S. Engineering pipefitting apprentice. Coley came through the CLIMB Program, a pre-apprentice construction program which teaches single mothers about non-traditional jobs. She loves working for U.S. Engineering because of the support she receives from the people she works with, including her mentor Mike Swallow.
Since joining the UA, Coley’s life has changed for the better: “I’ve just gotten more confident and independent, and the brotherhood and sisterhood that is here – everyone looks out for one another and works to promote one another.”