NEWS & INSIGHTS > NEWS & INSIGHTS > U.S. Engineering Wins 2 Safety Excellence Awards
Mar 15, 2018
The purpose of The Builders’ Association Safety Excellence Awards Program is to recognize member companies on a local basis with elite safety and health programs. The program closely and confidentially examines each candidate’s commitment to safety, occupational health management and risk management. Judges look for evidence of company management commitment, active employee participation, safety training, work site hazard identification and control, and safety program innovation.
This year U.S. Engineering was honored to win two safety awards. This is a testament to our dedication to safety and the amazing culture of safety we have fostered here at U.S. Engineering. This award goes to everyone at U.S. Engineering who Believes in Zero; Zero Accidents and Zero Unsafe Acts! Without your vigilance we would not be the company we are today celebrating this win.
Mike Zykan accepts the First Place safety award on behalf of U.S. Engineering for companies over 500,000 work hours.
In addition to U.S. Engineering wining First Place for safe companies,
Mike Zykan was personally named as Safety Professional of the Year by the Builders Association.
This is a huge honor for both Mike and U.S. Engineering