NEWS & INSIGHTS > News > U.S. Engineering Contributes to the Expansion of Project C.U.R.E.
Oct 30, 2014
Starting in an Evergreen, Colo. garage in 1987 with a passionate leader and $250,000 worth of medical supplies, Project C.U.R.E. (Commission on Urgent Relief and Equipment) has grown to be the largest provider of donated medical supplies to developing countries around the world.
Now headquartered in Centennial, Project C.U.R.E.’s work spans the globe and is more important than ever. U.S. Engineering Company is proud to have recently contributed to their efforts by providing and installing a mini-split cooling system for their international headquarters facility build-out.
Project C.U.R.E.’s tenant finish consists of a 16 x 40 ft. testing and repair facility, built to provide temperature controlled space for the proper evaluation of donated medical equipment. The benefit of the mini-split system is its ability to deliver zone cooling, which allows the facility to keep a particular room at a defined temperature. A mini-split system will serve useful for Project C.U.R.E. because much of the facility is used to store medical supplies, and proper testing and repair must be conducted under a controlled temperature environment.
U.S. Engineering’s involvement in this project supports its culture of giving back to local communities. The company was honored to be part of this brief, yet important project that helps Project C.U.R.E deliver health and hope across the globe. Project Engineer Ethan Amerin reflects, “It was great to be part of a team that helped contribute to an important cause. It makes me proud to do work like this – work that really makes a difference.”